The Von Neumann Architecture is a designed model for a stored program architecture. That use the input unit, the output unit, storage, and processing unit. It is also known as Block diagram of a computer and its name after the mathematics and a computer scientist “Jon Von Neumann”.
It consists of the following are:-
1.)Input unit:- Input unit consists of all input devices which use to enter the data and instruction to a computer before the process and converting it into computer-understandable form (binary code). keyboard, mouse, joystick, etc. are responsible for the input unit.
2.)Storage:- The process of saving instruction or data in the computer memory is known as storage of data. All the data and instruction are stored in computer memory before actual processing starts and after all processing and desired results of the process again store to memory. It is of two types:-
• Primary: It is the main memory of the computer. The computer can access all the data and instruction of primary memory very quickly. It is used to store data, intermediate result and final result here. It is very limited storage capacity it cannot remember anything after it is switched OFF. Example:-Ram, etc.
• Secondary: Secondary is the memory which gives extra help to store data in it and we can store data in a permanent form and when we cannot require data it can easily be removed. It will remember anything after Switch OFF. It is cheap as compare to primary and it has large storage capacity. Example:-hard disk, pen drive, etc.
3.)Processing unit:-Central processing unit or processing unit consist control unit and Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).it is the control center of the computer.
a.) Arithmetic Logic Unit:- The place where actual logical and arithmetic processing of data and instruction takes place. Data and instruction are sent from the storage unit to ALU, where all the calculations on the data and instruction take place and the desired result is returned to the memory. And intermediate results are generated in ALU are transfer to primary memory until required later.
b.)Control unit: -Control Unit is responsible for all controlling and guides all activities of all work of the input-output unit and the control unit sends the control signal until the work being done properly by ALU and memory.
4.) Output unit:-Output unit consists of all output devices which use to supplies the data and instruction to the outside world after the process and converting it into a human understandable form. Monitor, printer, speaker, etc. are responsible for the output unit.
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